Neurohistology Meninges Spinal Cord Brainstem Cerebellum Cerebrum Sectional Anatomy Neuroimaging Practice Questions

Frontal Lobe


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This is an anterior view of the frontal poles of the cerebrum. The frontal lobe can be divided into three regions: the dorsolateral frontal cortexalso known as the convexity of the frontal lobe, the ventral frontal cortex also termed the concavity of the frontal lobe and the medial frontal frontal cortex. Sometimes the medial and inferior surfaces are grouped together and termed the ventromedial frontal cortex. Addition confusion comes about by the use of the term "prefrontal" instead of frontal cortex.

Three major gyri lie on the dorsolateral or convex surface of the cerebrum, these are the superior, middle and inferior frontal gyri. These structures are separated by the superior and inferior frontal sulci.